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Please click to read  2022 President Message

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20th Aug 2015
AIMM President’s Message

         I sincerely thank all members, both allopathic and non-allopathic medical practitioners for standing united as one force in AIMM. What touched me the most was the executive committee graciously advanced funds to get the association going, as it was no easy feat.

        Hence, we plan to create another category of membership for other ‘interest groups’ within the field of integrative medicine whom do not have the resources to start an association. We should foster them till they are self-sufficient to branch out on their own.

        Throughout the year, we had well thought out strategies and goals. Much of the task in the process was doing our due diligence so that we would be prepared when to propel our profession forward at the right moment. So far, we had our first meeting with MOH early this year as to introduce ourselves and to gain recognition.

       We hope that everyone will be able to attend our first AGM on 5th Sept 2015 as we look forward to hear your plans and opinions on how we are to work best amongst ourselves. We too would like to present what we have in the pipeline for AIMM in the near future.

Yours faithfully,

Dr. Janethy Balakrishnan Bokstrom

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