- Every application for Membership shall have to be made in the respective Application Form prescribed by the Association together with payment for the entrance fee, shall be proposed by One (1) Member and seconded by another Member and shall be forwarded to the Secretary who shall at the first convenient opportunity, submit it to the Committee for approval. Both proposer and seconder must be existing Ordinary members.
- The Committee may at its discretion reject any application without assigning any reason thereof.
- Every applicant whose application has been approved as aforesaid shall be admitted as a member of the Association, as the case may be, of the Association from the date of the approval and shall be entitled to all the privileges of related membership.
- For any applicant whose application has not been approved as aforesaid, any entrance fee paid in advance shall be refunded to the applicant free of interest.
- Obligation Of Members
All members shall fulfil the following obligations:- To abide by the Rules and Regulations of the Association and resolutions passed at General Meetings and or Committee meetings.
- To attend General Meetings.
- To participate and support the activities of the Association which are in line with the aims and objects of the Association and to protect the rights of the members and interest of the Association.
- Privileges
- The Ordinary and Life Members shall enjoy the following rights and privileges:-
- The rights to attend the General Meeting.
- The rights to vote at the General Meeting.
- Subject to the provision of Article 8(2), the rights to be elected as Members of Committee.
- To be entitled to all other Membership Privileges specified in the Constitution of the Association.
- The Corporate Members shall be entitled to attend General Meetings and to enjoy all other privileges of the Members as stated in the Constitution of the Association EXCEPT the rights to vote at General Meeting and to hold office as Members of the Committee.
- The Ordinary and Life Members shall enjoy the following rights and privileges:-